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Animal Support was founded by Julian Omidi and his brother Michael Omidi, M.D. who are all life-long animal welfare advocates. Motivated by the multitude of issues associated with pet over-population and mistreatment, the founders created this organization to educate the public on the issue, support animal protection and adoption services, and promote spay and neuter laws. 

Ways to Help Animals

In today’s blog, Julian Omidi discusses the many ways to help animals in your area. There are many ways you can help animals throughout your community. Today, I’d like to take the time to give some suggestions on how animal lovers can help their furry friends. Share News on Social Media One way to help more

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By some estimates, as many as 99% of all dogs sold in pet stores come from puppy mills. A recent study by the University of Pennsylvania also reports that dogs born in puppy mills often suffer long-term emotional and psychological effects. No matter how caring or loving the homes where many of these animals end up, some are so severely traumatized that they never fully recover from the conditions they began their lives in.

reported animal abuse cases per year

Animal Abuse Statistics

It is estimated that, in the United States, there are approximately 2,000 cases of animal cruelty, neglect and abandonment every year.  While these numbers reflect a portion of incidents of abuse by private pet owners, these statistics do not necessarily include the questionable treatment of animals by under-regulated enterprises such as pet stores, zoos, circuses and farms.

  • 13% of animal abuse is domestic violence
  • Around 3 to 4 million dogs and cats are are euthanized every year in animal shelters.
  • 70% of animal abusers have records of other crimes unrelated to animal abuse.

Statistics according to:

Founders - Julian Omidi and Michael Omidi

Animal Support was founded by the Omidi brothers Julian Omidi and Michael Omidi, all of whom are life-long animal welfare advocates. Motivated by the multitude of issues associated with pet over-population and mistreatment, this organization was created by our founders to not only educate the public on the issues, but also to support animal protection and adoption services, and promote spay and neuter laws.

The charities and causes that are promoted by Maria Abaca and the Omidi brothers vary — from pet rescue and adoption services to specific circumstances of pet mistreatment and abuse. The goal is to promote organizations doing worthwhile work for the better treatment and well-being of all kinds of animals.

animal support omidi brothers

Contact the Founders

Suggestions for commendable animal welfare charities that Animal Support and its founders can support are welcome. Please send your suggestions through Animal Support’s Facebook page or via the Contact Us.

Charities and Animal Shelters

  • ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals):

Animal Support does not accept donations, but rather encourages support be offered directly to the respective charities.

animal support animals saved

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